The Company’s goal is to fill the gap in providing better quality services to Customers by Connecting Customers And Professionals (CAP) under one umbrella. CAP services has proved its excellence by providing Service Professionals to customer locations via Web, Mobile and Toll free support with the objective of providing best customer satisfaction for their services all over Kerala, India.
A Customer can find a service Professional by selecting district,category & sub category then press find button.
Once Customer Selects a Professional, a work flow process or a new request get started.
Customer can either select a professional from the CAP professional Database or CAP support Staff will work on the customer Service.
Once a new request gets created, a new Service Request will be generated automatically between user and Professional,jobseeker,agency.
Once the Service request has been created, automatically system will generate a new work request and notify it in Professional Or Service Agency logins .
Follow up reminders,sms,telesupporting and emails will be continued from the Support team with the CAP service request until the service requests gets closed.
Users experience can be shared in the Rate/Review section in the web portal